Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Alsabeel Noor Al-Islam


In the unfortunate event of death of a family member or friend, Alsabeel Masjid Noor Al-Islam  can assist you in getting a complete Islamic funeral arrangements including:
- Obtaining a death certificate.

 - Arrangements for storing a body. 

- Ghusl (washing) before burial. 

- Janaza (funeral) prayer. 

- Transportation to a burial ground. 

- Acquiring a burial plot at a number of cemeteries. 


What to do before imminent death?  

Family members of the dying person and their most pious friends should be present at their side to help turn the final thoughts to Allah, reminding him or her of all the good deeds they did, about Allah's mercy, and Allah's favors. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "Let no Muslim die except expecting and hoping the best from Allah" (Muslim).
Family members and friends can advise the dying person very gently (encouragement without insistence) to say the shahada: "La Illaha illallah", which means there is no God but Allah, in a very kind and sincere manner as these may be their last words. Abu Saeed Al-Khuduri reported that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "Help Muslims who are dying to say "La Illaha illallah" (Muslim).
Family members should make Dua (supplication) to Allah to help make the final moments easy, and to forgive them.
All efforts are to be made to fulfill any requests that the person may have before dying.

What to do after death?

Immediately after the death has occurred and it has been verified, close the eyes of the deceased eyes; the mouth and jaws are tied gently with broad bands or pieces of cloth so that they do not remain wide open; the legs should be tied in the same way. The body should be covered, and must always remain covered, preferably with a white sheet of cloth.
Invoke Allah and say: "Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un" (To Allah we belong and to Him is our return).
Crying with no wailing is permitted. The prophet (pbuh) wept on the death of his son, Ibrahim and said: "The eyes shed tears and the heart feels pain, but we utter only what pleases our Lord. O Ibrahim! We are aggrieved at your demise."
Contact MCA funeral Director for funeral arrangements without delay; Relatives and friends should be notified. The body must not be kept waiting unnecessarily.
Immediate family and friends are to prepare food for the bereaved family for three days.

What information you'll need?

When you contact Alsabeel Masjid Noor Al-Islam to seek advice, arrange for paper work and cemetery plot, please have the following information available:
Determine if the dying person has any preferences for people who will carry out the Ghusl (washing) and Kafan (burial cloth). If there is none, then the next of male kin to males, and next of female kin to females should be available to perform the Ghusl.

Also, when you talk to the MCA funeral director prepare the following information for the dying person to faciliate the process of obtaining the death certificate and help in finalizing the paperwork:
Social Security NumberCalifornia Drivers License #AddressEmployment StatusPhone NumberIf the death occurred over the weekend, contact the doctor or hospital to determine if the hospital can store the body over the weekend. Please note that a death certificate must be obtained prior to burial from the County office. Most County offices are open only during weekdays and for a few hours on Saturday. Furthermore, the cemetery does not typically open graves and allow burials on Sundays. As such, in the event of death on Saturday, the burial may have to wait until Monday afternoon.
It typically takes about 2 to 3 hours to make all the arrangements at a minimum (obtain death certificate, open the grave, arrange the transportation). As such, a person can be buried on the same day if the death occurred prior to 8 AM.

If the death occurred after that time, the arrangements will be typically made for burial the next day.

What can Alsabeel do for you?    

1. Arrange transportation of the body
2. Wash the body Islamicaly
3. Shrouding (kafan) and a casket
4. Arrange for the congregational funeral prayer

Burial can be made at one of Islamic Cemeteries in the ares (San Francisco Bay Area) CA.